Students making their treasure maps for craft time. This was a map on 11x17 paper that they could color then glued/taped to paper towel rolls and then tied with yarn.
Students in our fellowship building.
Our ship (made from a table and two quilting stands, dowel rods and twine). This was used for our snack display.
This was made by one of our members. The anchor was cut from my cricuit and they glued tissue paper to it. Colored the ship and held in place with a brad.
Our last night was ice cream sundaes.
Our other crafts were a compass made from a small paper plate with an arrow and the letters N,S,E,W cut from the cricuit and glued to the plate. A brad was used to secure the arrow.
Our last craft was a treasure chest made from an egg carton. We took some contact paper and covered the top of the egg carton (where all the words are) so they had a clean slate to start with. Then the students glued jewels to the top of the egg carton. I cut a lock out of cardstock with the cricut and they glued that to the egg carton.
Thanks for hopping by!