Monday, February 24, 2014

Thou Excellest Them All - Proverbs 31 Conclusion

I was cleaning and tidying and organizing in the house before the holidays and began thinking about the virtuous woman we have been studying.  Would she have had to hurry around like I do or would she be ready all the time?  My personal theme for the year will be organized and successful throughout all aspects of my life.

I believe Proverbs 31:25-29 tells us that she was organized and successful.  She had time to do what she needed and also time to do what she wanted.  She was always busy. She helped others. She helped family and she took care of herself. She had strength and honour. She had wisdom and was kind.  Her children called her blessed and her husband praised her. 

She had the ultimate gift, her children called her blessed and her husband
praised her.  One cannot ask for anything better.  The family is a woman’s number two responsibility. The responsibility behind her salvation.  As long as a woman is taking care of her family then she is doing God’s will.  We do not need to shirk our responsibilities. 
              A woman’s number one responsibility is to “fear the Lord” (Prov. 31:30).  We each have to work out our own salvation. We cannot go in to Heaven on the coat tails of our loved ones and they cannot go in to Heaven on ours.  It is our responsibility to study and come to know God through His word and obey him. Obey him by keeping the commandments found throughout His inspired word.  The virtuous woman kept the commandments.
Proverbs 31:31 states, “Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”  Our actions speak louder than words.  We will be known by our actions.  

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